This week at school Ashton was "Child of the Week", which meant that he and I (okay mostly I) made a poster for him to take to class with pictures of his family and all of his favorite things etc... and on Tuesday I went to school with him for about an hour and a half and he got to stand up and tell everyone about all of the pictures on his poster and show everyone his most prized posession...
his lovey.
The poster...
Ashton telling all about it...
It was so fun for me to get to go with him and see what he gets to do at preschool and to see how he acts! I'm always wishing that I could be a fly on the wall and see how he really acts while he's there. He was so cute doing all of his projects and listening at storytime and
pouring his water at snack time. 
Here he is painting his "Z" like a to see him concentrating so hard to get every line just right and I love how they all go grab their paint shirts and put them on before painting.
(his favorite part of preschool he's told me before is painting :)
It was "zoo animal" he is playing with all of the animals in the pretend grass
I just kind of followed him around and he told me all about what he gets to do there every day. At one point it just really hit me how grown up he's getting as he was sitting around the little table with all of his friends...just chatting and giggling. I have to admit I almost started crying. 
It reminded me of an image that I will always have in my mind of him when he was about 2 and I had taken him to a little park by our house. There were 3 or 4 older boys (like 7 or 8 years old) running around chasing eachother and pretending, and then there was Ashton just peeking around the slides getting so excited to just see me and yelling MOMMY!...I remember thinking then that it was only a matter of time before he would be off running around with his friends not even noticing that I was around. I'll never forget that day. Now here he is already so grown up!
Me and my sweet little boy...
Anyway it was fun for him to have his special week at school and for me to be there for part of it. I loved it! I am so proud of him for how far he has come this year...he's such a great kid :)
1 comment:
Fun for both of you!! It's fun to see them grow, but sad to see it happen so fast.. Let's just stop time for awhile. Great job on the poster.. Looks like he made his zebra strips just right.. Funny little guy... Hope your doing well.
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