But to take you a little further back in case you've never heard the story of how we met (according to me...Lars has his own distorted version), we were both at a USU basketball game and he saw me with one of my friends and asked his friends if any of them knew who I was. Well lucky for him one of his friends got his hair cut at the salon that I worked at and knew that I worked there. So the next time he went in for his haircut he asked my boss about me and was so excited to tell Lars that not only was I single, but also Catholic! He also told him where else I worked (which was Copper Rivet in the mall), so he came in to the store one day and used his now infamous line. As he grabbed a belt off the rack he came up to me and asked me "Can you help me try on this belt?" To which I replied "No." and walked away.
So he left the store, but came back a little while later (not one to give up so easily) and came up to the register and asked me out.
So I said "I guess so" and wrote down my # for him.
We went out a couple times (then he stalked me for awhile...:) then we just became really good friends for about 2 months before we really started just dating eachother. We got married a little over a year after our first date. 

I have to say that I'm so glad he didn't give up on me. I remember telling him one time that whoever ended up with him would be so lucky and I was so right!

We have had a great 9 years together. I just really can't believe it's been that long. Looking back now I'm glad that we had 5 years together before our boys came along...we did a lot of fun stuff. Lars is a great husband and father to our little boys.
One of our engagement pics...
Happy Anniversary Hunnie! I love you :)

Looking forward to the big 10 year next year!
(oh and this blog post is your gift...hee hee)
Hi you two!
Congrats on your 9 years and walking down memory lane. It was a perfect wedding day and Ken & I won't forget it. I remember dancing with our son and he said to me" Mom,maybe someday Jessica and I will have some children".Of course,it came true and I cried.Each of you have been a special light in our lives, Love, Papa & Nana
How late did you stay up posting??!! Way to go you guys -
9 years two kids - thats a big deal!! We love you guys and wish you at least 100 more happy years!!
CONGRATS!! Happy Anniversary!! Hope you do something fun to celebrate!! Your dress was really pretty..
Ha.. so funny! My favorite is the last line in the parenthases (sp?). I loved his pick up line. I remember my mom and I ran into him in the mall at copper rivet while he was talking to you. I don't know how often he harrased you in there, but we were in there once. I'm glad he married you too so that we could become friends. congrats on the 9 years!! I remember that day fondly. It was a great wedding.
HI Jessica! (and Lars!) I love Lars' pick up line. It always makes me laugh. I hope you had a great anniversary.
What a great story! I love how you said "No" to the belt trying!! Congratulations on 9 years and here's to many, many more happy years together!
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