(another one that's more for me to look back on)
I can't believe in 2 short months Gunnar will be 2!!! It really just blows me away how fast these boys are growing up and everyone knows it makes me sad :(
But I absolutely love the age Gunnar is now. I think I smile and laugh all day at the cute stuff he does and says. Some of the things that I really want to remember that I've been meaning to write down in his journal, but haven't yet are...
He comes up to me off and on during the day and hugs me and kisses me and tells me "Wuv you Mommy".
He is still so cuddly and is such a mama's boy and I hope he stays that way for a long time.
He is the thank you boy! He still says thank you pretty much every time I or anyone else does anything for him. I love it!
He still loves his "nigh nighs" (blankies). The other night I was rocking him and he had about 3 of them in his arms and he says..."nigh nighs yummy."
He has just recently in the last month started to show interest in tv and up until about a week ago was OBSESSED with The Polar Express. Mostly just the part where they do the hot chocolate dance. He'd come up to me all day saying "hot chaw chock dance...now!" Then when I'd start that part, he and Ashton would do their own version of the dance (over and over and over again). Then after awhile he got to where he'd sit through the whole thing and really watch it. And now he'll watch any kid show that's on. So it was fun for awhile when I had something new to entertain him, but now we can only watch so much and that makes him mad!
He still copies everything Ashton does. Mostly it's so cute, till he gets mad at something and runs around saying "poopy head!" But even that is actually pretty funny out of his little mouth! Lars has to walk away so Ashton doesn't see him laughing at him.
He loves to be in Ashton's room getting into all his stuff!
He loves to play with playdough...ughhh!
He is right now in the process of getting 5 new teeth! I kept wondering for the last 3 or 4 months when he'd ever get more and now they're all coming at the same time. At least they don't ever seem to bother him.
He loves being outside and like I mentioned before loves airplanes and helicopters. Tonight out of the blue he comes up to me and says. "Like bling blanes." So I said..."you like airplanes?" and he said. "yeah, I do." with a cute little smile on his face. He says that a lot when we ask him something..."yeah, I do." He's saying so many new things every day.
Everything is "Mime!" and he can be such a little stinker sometimes!
Everyone comments on how cute his read hair is...I think 3 people stopped me in Macey's yesterday to say something about it.
These days are going by too fast and I never want to
forget all of the fun things that I love about my days being a Mom
to these 2 great little boys!
I love your adorable smile, your irresistable laugh and your sweet personality...
Love you Gunnar :)
You are so so right! They grow up way too fast. :(
But you will have your wonderful blog to always look back on. :-) Gunnar is sooo cute!
This is the best age. Brady and I always say we should freeze dry Alyssa because she is so cute and funny at this age. between 18 months and 3 years is the best age. Gunnar is a cutie! Happy birthday to Ashton and Lars too!!
Oh he is so cute.. Maybe he could come teach Jenna how to talk.. She doesn't say a whole lot... are you staying warm?
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