How much I loved letting him sleep on my chest when he was tiny. I never wanted to put him down...
How from about 6 weeks old he was an awesome sleeper and to this day I think he could sleep through a war! The day he was baptized as a Catholic....(I can't find a picture anywhere!)
How much I love his beautiful blue eyes... ...and cute, cute smile!
Oh and this funny face he made all the time...he would scrunch up his nose and breathe in and out really fast...
How very blonde he was for a long time...
Our almost daily walks...
...this is one of the things I will miss the most when he soon won't fit anymore :(
How from really young he talked SO well. He has always had an amazing vocabulary and spoke really clearly. He always seemed so much older than he was. Some of the stuff he said when he was so tiny blew me away.
When he was Gunnar's age (21 months)...he said to me in these exact words "I'll be back in a minute, I'm going to college." While wearing my pink slippers (no pants) and carrying his lunchbox.
His absolute OBSESSION with mowing and trimming the lawn. Every waking moment for the longest time all he wanted to do was mow the lawn or watch all of our neighbors mow. Every day he would ask me "Do we need to mow the lawn today?" And if I said no..."Do you think we should water the lawn, so it will grow, so we can mow?" Funny kid! Oh his love of the Backyardigans! From about 14 months old he watched them every day and loved them! So for his 2nd birthday we of course had a Backyardigans party and he dressed up as Tyrone for Halloween that year...
His naughty stage from about 2 1/2 to 3 1/ did he give us a run for our money (and still does some days)!
How sweet he was with Gunnar from the time we brought him home and he still is. Even though they fight like any other brothers...he goes up to him off and on all day and hugs him and tells him he loves him.
How much he has always loved books and being read to...
His LOVE for Halloween and anything scary!
The first time he rode his bike without training wheels and how very excited he was!
His stitches on the day he graduated from his first year of preschool. :(
How he is such a Daddy's boy...but makes sure to tell me that he still loves me the same.
His love of pajamas...I think he'd still wear them everyday, all day, everywhere we went if we'd let him.
Of course his love for his Lovey...
And really just his love for life!
He is such a fun happy kid!
That is a great post, Jess! It's it amazing how fast they grow up? It makes me sad too when I look at how big and grown up Ethan is getting... it seems like yesterday that we brought him home. But each stage brings new fun and new adventures for everyone, right!?!
How fun!! Wow can't believe he is 5!! Great memories and what a great thing to look back on all the fun times and know that there are more to come!! Hold on and enjoy the ride!
Seriously the most handsome kid ever!!! What was the website you print your blog off at???
He has always been SO adorable and the things he says have always been SOOO "thought out" and original and amazing! :-)
I SOOOO feel for you sending them to kindergarten is like ripping out you heart - seriously! It doesn't get any easier - sending Jace is something I can barley think about - so thanks alot for walking me down my memory lane . Excuse me while I go cry myself to sleep now! :)
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