Finally God has blessed us with some sunshine in Cache Valley ...and it feels so good! We weren't about to let our nice weather go to waste today. We have had way too many ugly inversion days. And last week was a long week with all of us having colds and being inside almost every day. So now that we're mostly feeling better, I decided (whether or not the sun was shining) that we were getting out for a walk so I could get some exercise. It's amazing what it does for your felt awesome! The sun started peeking through the clouds while we were out, and it didn't feel cold at all, so I told Ashton that he should get his snow clothes on, call a friend and go out and play when we got home. Oh and we got about 9 new inches of snow yesterday, so there is LOTS to play in! Of course when Gunnar saw Ashton getting all of his stuff on, he wanted to get his on, so I decided why not go enjoy it...and help them build a snowman.
Well they were pretty busy playing...
... so I made it mostly,
but they helped me accessorize him...

Pretty cute isn't he?
Almost good enough to eat~!
Please stick around Mr. Sunshine...(even if you melt our snowman, that's okay we'll forgive you.)
What a cute snowman!! :-)) I'm glad you finally had a nice day!
Too cute - I wish Owen could stay out a little longer - next year. Thanks though the snowman made Jaces day - and I need some of those pictures!
SUNSHINE is WONDERFUL!! IT makes it fun to play in the snow and not be freezing!! Cute edible snowmen.. That's the best kind!! Hope the sun keeps shining on you!!
It looks like your snowman is crying. Maybe because his mouth is getting eaten!! I bet Lars was sad he missed out on building a snowman.
Cutest snowman, i've ever seen! I would eat him too! So cute! I will e-mail you tomorrow about Vegas! :)
Sweet snowman. We've had a lot of those around our neighborhood this last week. It doesn't snow here much and so when it does, people like to build snowmen. Your is quite a masterpiece!
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