Turned into this...
Wow time flies...

I can't believe my sweet baby Ashton turned 5 today! It blows me away how fast those 5 years went. And it makes me sad! I told him that the other day and he said "Don't worry Mommy...I'll still always be your baby."
Happy Birthday little boy! I love you!
We had a great day, but it's so late and I'm so tired so I'll post about it tomorrow.
Happy Birthday, Ashton! You sure have grown up to be a handsome little devil! Hope you had a wonderful birthday and are still smiling like you were in these pictures!
It is sad when your baby grows up! And so sad he lost his lovey. After looking at your blog I feel like I haven't talked to you forever, even though it was right before Christmas. See you soon.
Awesome!! SO glad you found LOVEY!! Prayer is a great blessing we have in our lives.. Don't know what I would do without it... Hope you're all doing well!! Love ya
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