Sunday, September 28, 2008
Gunnar is 6 months old!

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Just Gunnar and Me :)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Our Crazy week
So last night they were having a little parent night at the school so that the kids could bring their parents and show them around and tell them what they do there. I really thought about just not going. I was seriously sick thinking about having to face that other Mom again. But we decided that we would go and told Ashton that he could earn stickers for his sticker chart for apologizing to the little girl at school. So we were there for a little while before the other Mom and little girl (and her Dad) showed up. I had already apologized to her twice, so I didn't approach her or anything, but pointed out the little girl to Ashton so that when he was ready he could go apologize. He just told me he wasn't ready. So after a little while we went outside to the "scene of the crime" aka playground. Eventually the little girl and her parents came out as well and after awhile it was just us and them (interestingly enough). Still no one said anything and after a little while we told Ashton it was time to go and he had one more chance to go say sorry at which point he went right over to her and said "I'm sorry I hit you." The Mom was right there and said to him "that was so nice of you to say sorry." Then Lars started talking to the Dad, and then we all kind of started talking and they said that she didn't seem to have any lasting effects from it (and honestly the scratches were completely gone!), and the Mom said she thought it bothered her more than it did the little girl. So I told her that I totally understood and told her about the head slamming in the door incident with Ashton and told her that I hoped she never had to be on the other end of it. We assured them that we did not take his behavior lightly and that we will be working with the preschool to make sure nothing like it ever happens again. So I felt a lot better after that, but it's still so hard when it's your kid doing the hitting! Everyone please pray for us!
Last weekend
Thanks Mom you saved me that day...we went to lunch and she helped me entertain Ashton for the afternoon. That is after he VOLUNTARILY went to his room and laid in his bed and took a 2 hour nap!!! Seriously I can't really ever remember him doing that.

Friday, September 19, 2008
More funny Ashton comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Acorns anyone??
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Cute Gunnar stuff
I also keep forgetting to mention that he eats baby food now and loves everything he's tried so far. His favorites seem to be sweet potatoes, pears and applesauce. He gets so excited when it's time to eat! For a long time...like before he was even 4 months old he would just watch us intently as we were eating, (I love this picture of him watching Lars eat spaghetti!)
so after his 4 month check-up we tried rice cereal. He loved it the first night and couldn't get enough, and ate it okay a couple other times, but then he didn't want anything to do with it. Now I mix it with his fruits and he eats it fine. I remember Ashton's favorite was always green beans-funny kid!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Before I forget
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Quiet Time
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Second day of Preschool
Oh and when I ask him what he learned or what his favorite part was he just kind of says, I don't know, but then every once in awhile he'll say something that he learned like this weekend he all of a sudden said "Ya get it, ya do it, ya put it away." I had to laugh! Then today he started to run outside on the driveway, then stopped and said "We walk on cement, we run on grass." So at least I know he's listening! Actually that's one thing I always know about Ashton. The kid listens (intently) to everything! And doesn't forget anything either!
Saturday night trip up Logan Canyon
Monday, September 8, 2008
A comment Ashton just made
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Just for fun...
Here he is at just about exactly how old Gunnar is now... And here is Gunnar this past week...
They definitely both have the same big curious blue eyes. I always remember Ashton's eyes looking just like this!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Ashton's First Day of Preschool!
Once we got inside he met one of his teachers and she gave him a little name tag and showed him where to hang up his backpack, then led him to a little table to play with some blocks.
I got in the car and left and I couldn't help but cry a little. I've never really left him with anyone but family and a couple of babysitters at our house. I know he'll be fine and I'm so excited for him to have this new experience, but he's still my baby. I got home and the house was quiet without him here. Of course I'll be thankful for these 4 1/2 hours a week while he's there, but for today I miss him.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Crying, crying, crying!
I had to take Ashton to the doctor this afternoon because his belly-button is all red and infected looking...it's been that way for 6 weeks or so (because he started picking at it), but really started looking bad the past few days, so I decided it needed to be looked at. Anyway the doctor said it's not really infected, but that it could be eczema or psoriasis and prescribed some cream to try on it. We had been putting neosporin on it, but he informed me that we probably made it worse by doing that. So if the cream doesn't clear it up in a few days we go back to try plan B-whatever that is.
So while we were there, I asked him about Gunnar crying it out and how long I could really safely let him cry. He said that I could let him cry for 2-3 hours if I could stand it, but that by going in after letting him cry for an hour just made it worse (which I already knew) because then he thinks eventually I'll come in if he just keeps crying. So last night I took a step back and now I have mixed feelings about it. I know that if I stick with it and don't cave in, it will probably work within a week, but it's so hard. He is sooooo stubborn and does not give up and it's so hard to listen to him crying so hard! And I was shocked that Ashton slept through it all...maybe he really didn't sleep too well and that was part of his bad mood this morning.
Anyway on a brighter note, he had another kickball game tonight and he actually participated in most of the game! So we're making progress there. What he really wanted to do was play with my friend's little girl's pom-pom's (that she had brought to cheer on her little brother), so she kept promising him he could use them if he would go kick the ball! Whatever works I guess.
I don't know what I'll do tonight when the crying starts, but I do know I could use lots of prayers for patience and prayers that God will help me to do whatever is best.