This is sooooo nice...We dropped Ashton off to preschool an hour ago and I came home and fed Gunnar and put him down for a nap. I had almost forgotten what peace and quiet sounded like. My mind is going crazy like what should I get done first? Or should I just lay on the couch and relax? So of course instead of resting or getting anything done, I'm blogging! Who knows how long Gunnar will really sleep, but I'm guessing since he only really gets to sleep another hour before I have to go back and get Ashton, today will be the day that he would have slept longer. Oh well, I'm enjoying this quiet moment while it lasts.
We have finally gotten into somewhat of a daily schedule. Of course it's different every other day, but mostly we do the same things. I'm definitely a schedule person and I know that the kids do better when they know what to expect when. So we get up in the morning, Gunnar first usually for good around 7:00 or 7:30 , then me of course-he is my alarm clock. I feed him, then get myself some breakfast, and get a few things done if I can then Ashton has been waking up between 8:00 and 8:30. Some days he's ready for breakfast or (brek-frisk) as he still calls it and some days he refuses to eat till later. Usually we are out the door (after many fights about how cold it is and what Ashton needs to wear) by 9:00 for our walk. We walk for at least a half hour, then come home. By this point Ashton is begging me to play with a friend. Some days he gets to if anyone is home. But a lot of days he doesn't so I try to come up with something for him to do while I feed Gunnar again and get him down for a morning nap. Then I try to take a quick shower and get ready before Gunnar is awake and screaming again. The whole while Ashton is in and out of my bathroom begging me to come play with him or get him something. This is when I start to feel guilty, but really don't I at least deserve to take a shower and feel somewhat normal for the day???? So yesterday I just decided that I would put my shower off till nighttime and really try to play with Ashton and entertain him. He get sooo bored and that's when he starts acting up. (He used to at least watch a half hour show while I got ready, but anymore he could care less about t.v. most of the time). So first we did playdough for a long time.
We made eggs, biscuits, bacon and cupcakes and he had to cook them all in the little pan, then put them on our plates.
Then Lars came home for lunch so that killed an hour, then after he left and I got Gunnar down for his afternoon nap, I got on the internet to look for crafts for kids (thanks for the links to great kid websites Angie H.!) and I found this little (very easy) spiderman craft. Ashton LOVES spiderman right now, so he thought that was really fun. Then after playing downstairs for awhile we finally made it to 4:00 and I thought it would be fun to walk to the library and check out some new books. Ashton was excited to get to ride his bike there for the first time. He did great, besides stopping often to say he was tired and needed a break and besides stopping in the middle of the road one time refusing to pedal as people are honking at us to go ahead! I eventually had to get him off his bike and drag him and it across the road. Other than that it was fun and that got us to 5:00!
Time for Daddy to be home soon!
Ashton is such a fun, energetic kid, but he definitely has inherited his "need to be doing something constantly or I'm bored" trait from his Dad!!! It makes it really hard some days.
Today after our walk his little friend Tyler came over and they played downstairs for a good two hours without a single fight! So that was nice. I'm glad his play room actually get some use when he has a friend over since he rarely goes down to play by himself.
On Monday I had this same sense of not knowing what to do with myself because Ashton took a nap for the first time in a LONG time and I actually got Gunnar to go down at the same time. They slept for an hour at the same time! It brought back memories of when we just had Ashton and he slept for 2-3 hours every day. I remember always being caught up on everything. My to-do list consisted of a couple things (that I always used to put off forever) like catching up on filing, or a few pages of scrapbooking to be completely caught up!! Who knows now when my filing will ever get done! Ha! I do hope to get somewhat caught up on my scrapbooking next weekend when Lars takes Ashton to Price with him when he goes hunting. It will be fun for Ashton to go see his Nana and Papa and play with his cousins. And it will be fun to just have Gunnar at home with me and enjoy him even more.
1 comment:
criminy! you made me tired just reading about your day. i am most definetly not someone who has to be doing something all the time. in fact my issue is opposite, getting anything done!
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