Today was Ashton's second day of preschool. I forgot to post how his first day I'll just post now that it went really well-he told me that he had a lot of fun and played and played and played. Of course when I went to pick him up that day he didn't want to leave. I figured that would be how it was. His teachers said he did great! They said that for the first little while he wanted to be standing right next to one of them, but eventually he warmed up and was fine.
So today when I went to drop him off he did what I thought he might do on his first day. As soon as we got there he started saying he didn't want to stay and started trying to leave and hanging on to me. Luckily they had magnifying glasses laid out on the little tables, so that caught his attention and his friend Jace showed up just as I was trying to leave, so that helped too. So I told him goodbye and snuck out and thought he was fine when another Mom came out and asked me if the little boy with spikey hair was mine. I said yes and she said Oh he's just crying and asking for you and trying to escape! But at that point I was getting into the car and figured he'd be fine in a few minutes, so I just left. (he's done the same thing with a couple of his babysitters) Sure enough when I got back he was having a blast playing in the big sandbox and I could hardly get him to leave again. The teacher said he cried for a few minutes and then he was fine. I guess this is how it will be, some days he'll go easily and others he'll do this. He's so up and down on a daily basis anyway I knew if it didn't happen his first day it would happen soon enough.
Anyway here he is with his first preschool project! 
Oh and when I ask him what he learned or what his favorite part was he just kind of says, I don't know, but then every once in awhile he'll say something that he learned like this weekend he all of a sudden said "Ya get it, ya do it, ya put it away." I had to laugh! Then today he started to run outside on the driveway, then stopped and said "We walk on cement, we run on grass." So at least I know he's listening! Actually that's one thing I always know about Ashton. The kid listens (intently) to everything! And doesn't forget anything either!
I don't know if Ashton Listens or just totally ABSORBS into his brain EVERYTHUNG that is ever said around him ! hahaha! He does sure seem to remember every little thing! And he always has!
I am glad he is enjoying preschool for the most part. :)
Love, Mom (proud Grandma)
Have no fear - eventually there were will fewer and fewer of the "hanging on your pants leg" days and he will love it. He'll make some friends that he can't wait to play with and you'll have to tell him not to run into school! Glad he's having fun when you pick him up though. That's always a good sign that he does like it there.
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