Well today was the big day! I've been nervous about it for awhile because I could definitely tell that Ashton was having major anxiety about it for the past few weeks. Every time Lars or I or anyone else would bring up preschool Ashton would get in a bad mood and say he was "never, ever, never going to preschool!" At first when I signed him up back in March he was really excited and would ask me all the time when he got to start, but gradually as it got closer and as he realized that it would be us taking him and dropping him off and not staying there with him, he started to get really nervous. The past few days however I could see his attitude changing a little and at least he wasn't refusing to go. And amazingly the first day (or at least the drop-off) went really well! He and I had lunch together-I asked him what he wanted for his first day of preschool lunch and he said he wanted the piece of pizza that was left over from last night and Ramen noodles and a cookie. Then he actually got dressed relatively easily in the outfit I picked out for him and he even let me do his hair. These are the things that cause meltdowns in our house on a daily basis! Then he even smiled for some pictures in front of the house wearing his cute dinosaur backpack.
My friend Angie came over to watch Gunnar while I took him so that was a big help. As we drove over I could tell he was getting a little nervous again and when we were about ready to park he said to me "Mommy I'm feeling a little bit sick."
A little nervous walking toward the door
So I just reassured him that it would be fine and got him out of the car and walked in with him. I thought it was really cute when we first got there, there was a little girl getting dropped off and her Mom was taking a picture of her outside, so I told Ashton that she would be in his class and told him to go say hi. I've been telling him that he'll make lots of new friends there and when he sees a new kid that he should just go up and say "Hi, my name is Ashton." So sure enough he walked right up to her and said "Hi, my name is Ashton." So cute!
Once we got inside he met one of his teachers and she gave him a little name tag and showed him where to hang up his backpack, then led him to a little table to play with some blocks.
I sat with him for a few minutes then told him it was time for me to go. He looked a little scared and said, "Aren't you going to stay with me for a few more minutes?" So I did, then got up to leave and told him goodbye. He hurried and got up and said "Wait I need to give you a hug and a kiss." So I held him tight for a minute and kissed my sweet little boy goodbye and left. I think it ended up being harder for me than for him. I'm so proud of him today! I really thought that I would be the Mom leaving her child there kicking and screaming and he did so good! (so far...)
I got in the car and left and I couldn't help but cry a little. I've never really left him with anyone but family and a couple of babysitters at our house. I know he'll be fine and I'm so excited for him to have this new experience, but he's still my baby. I got home and the house was quiet without him here. Of course I'll be thankful for these 4 1/2 hours a week while he's there, but for today I miss him.
Jessica, I'm so proud that you made it through Ashton's first day of school. He looks so handsome and he'll do great.
Way to go making it through the first day! Each day will get easier and easier from here on out. And eventually, on those non-school days, you'll be saying, "Don't you have to go to school today?" ;o)
Thanks for the invite - I love your blog! How did you get on the "thecutestblogontheblock" site. I can't get it to accept my registration. I've tried getting on in the past and now today and it won't work. Also, if you could send me an email from your account, I will send you the link to our blog.
It was great seeing you again yesterday!
Hi Larsen's: When you first started to do your blog, Ken & I were nervous about everyone's privacy, but I thank God that you are doing it because its wonderful, since we live so far away.
Way to go Ashton and Mommy! Papa and Nana are proud of the both of you on the first day of preschool and it made Nana cry because I don't want to see our grandchildren grow up so fast.
Ashton, you are so quick and smart, loved your dino pack.
We will continue to pray Jessica for you and Gunnar, there is light at the end of the tunnel!
Kisses & hugs, FIL & MIL
I'm glad it went better than you expected! I almost cried reading about it! He looked so cute with his backpack!! I'm sure in a week or so you'll be loving the quiet time!
ok you are going to think that i am so lame,but yes there are tears in my eyes. that day is going to be hard for me i think. i am glad that ashton did so well. he is a very handsome little boy. very tall too, i am jealous.
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