Lars took Ashton on a late night "adventure" around the block the other night with the lantern and he came back with a few little acorns for me-so I added them to my little entryway table and thought they looked pretty cute with my fall decorations. 
(I'll get right back to the rest of that story....)
So tonight I surprised Lars and got my great friend and neighbor Tallie and her husband Adam (and kids) to watch Ashton and Gunnar for us so he and I could go out to dinner to celebrate his 7 year anniversary for working at Hyclone (Thermo-Fisher as it's called now). So we went out alone for the first time since Gunnar was born and it was so nice! We just went to dinner at Chili's, then ran over to Michael's so I could pick up a picture frame and while we were there we got this cute little lunch box for Ashton because it was on clearance for $3.
He loved it of course, and wanted to go on another "adventure" tonight and take it with him.
This is what he came home with this time-
He ran downstairs so excited to show me what he had brought me, then when I went upstairs a little while later, he had done a little more decorating for me! This is what I found...
I hope we don't attract a bunch of hungry squirrels! too funny-he was so proud of himself!
stinkin cute. i miss logan so much. You won't see and acorns around here, just desert, and sage brush. get ready for the first week in oct. i will be there and we will go on our di adventure. Maybe lunch too?
That is sOOO cute about Ashton and the acorns! :-)
And of course I have listened to Gunnar over and over and over!
I really HAVE to come down one day again soon! I need to squeeze both of them and kiss their little cheeks!! :-))
Love, Mom (aka Grandma)
I love the decorations! How sweet that Ashton decided to add to your collection... and of course they are all going to stay there, right??
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