Gunnar is 5 1/2 months old now and is just so cute and fun-I love, love, love this stage! This past week he's really been starting to talk a lot, saying dadadada, yayayaya, rararara, gagagaga etc... and he gets so loud....especially when he's starting to get mad. Here is a little video of him talking...sorry about the screaming parts-you may want to turn your speakers down a little (oh and you have to pause my music on the right too so you can hear the video.)
I also keep forgetting to mention that he eats baby food now and loves everything he's tried so far. His favorites seem to be sweet potatoes, pears and applesauce. He gets so excited when it's time to eat! For a long before he was even 4 months old he would just watch us intently as we were eating, (I love this picture of him watching Lars eat spaghetti!)
so after his 4 month check-up we tried rice cereal. He loved it the first night and couldn't get enough, and ate it okay a couple other times, but then he didn't want anything to do with it. Now I mix it with his fruits and he eats it fine. I remember Ashton's favorite was always green beans-funny kid!
Thanks so much for video for Gunnar talking, tickled me and made me happy inside, loved it!MIL
Oh, I'm so sad that my speakers aren't working on our computer! We HAVE to get them fixed soon... You're right about Gunner's age being a fun one. They finally become a little person that you can interact with. How fun! Enjoy it - as you already know they grow up way too fast and that fun, innocent stage is over.
i love baby talk! he tells the best "stories"!
and whoa, holy acorns! the squirrels will record this in their history as the great acorn drought of 2008. :)
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