Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Breakfast with a Buddy...

 A couple weeks ago we had one of our big PTA events for the year, Breakfast with a Buddy. This year we combined it with a fun program called One Book, One School. The idea is that each family gets a copy of the same book...The one our principal chose was The World According to Humphrey...
And then everyone is invited to come to the school one morning to pick up the book and read the first chapter as a family as well as have some breakfast. Then each night they read another chapter at home and then there are trivia questions each day about that chapter for the kids in class.
It was on a Tuesday so I got Ashton up and to piano extra early...7 am! Then I went to the school to get the breakfast ready with a couple other girls while Lars got himself and Gunnar ready, then picked up Ashton and they all came to the school.
Anyway I was so busy cutting up fruit, then standing at the front doors directing parents etc...that I could never sneak away to sit and read the first chapter with the boys and Lars had to get to work. So they got something to eat then I just had to tell them to go find a quiet spot to sit and read to each other. And I crossed my fingers that they would do it nicely!
When I did have a little break I went searching for them and found them in a very back corner of the library sitting right next to each other reading and it about made me cry. :)
I was so proud of them and they said they took turns each reading a page to each other until they finished the first chapter.
Anyway it made my day and the whole event was a big success!
Signs that I made...
Oh and the local newspaper came and did an article on it...
One more thing I can cross off my list for this school year.
I love their school!!

1 comment:

horsehug said...

Such a fun and good sounding project! And I loved the way they read to each other!!