Saturday, October 18, 2014

All he wants for Christmas...

This kid...
So one of Gunnar's top front teeth had been pretty wiggly for a long time, and on a daily basis Lars and I would ask him if it was the day he was going to pull it out, or if he would let us. Well the answer was always NO! He did not want it to come out.
Well in his second to last soccer game he got hit in the face, I think with an elbow and he came running out of the game trying not to cry. And his tooth was knocked almost out.
(and of course I had my camera out and ready!)
  It was just barely hanging on and bleeding a lot.
So he finally pulled it out!
Then when I told him to hold it up for a picture, he dropped it in the long grass! So another mom and I looked for it forever and I finally found it!
Such a cute gap :)
Well it was not quite a week later when Gunnar came running in the house crying with a mouth full of blood and I see that his other top tooth was knocked almost out too! He and Ashton had been playing catch and Ashton threw the football and it happened to smack him in the front tooth!
So, again he pulled it out and now he is without both of his front teeth...
An even cuter gap :)
I loved when I told him to go brush the teeth he has left the other night he said "I thtill have loths of teeth lefth!"
Cutie :)

Fun day fishing!

The weekend before last we took our boat out fishing for the first time in a LONG time. We decided to head over to Hyrum after church. It was such a pretty day and after being out there for awhile catching nothing, we got right over a huge school of perch and the boys caught one after another for a good hour and a half or so.
They were loving it!
 I love this picture of him...
The first fish...Lars helped Gunnar reel it in... 
Ashton was excited to catch this bass... 
 We all caught one at the same time...
 Fishy faces :)
 Super blurry picture taken by Gunnar, but it shows how big Ashton is now!
Such a fun day :)

Aggie Homecoming parade and game...

Last weekend was the big Aggie homecoming parade and football game and the boys were super excited to go to both of them. I don't think I've mentioned how much they are both loving football these days. They both take their footballs to school and play football at every recess with their friends. It's been fun to see them start to get so into it.
So we got up and got ready on Saturday morning to go find a spot at the parade. It was a beautiful day and is always a fun parade to go to. They came home with way too much candy...

 I really wasn't in the mood to go to a football game that didn't even start till 8:30 at night, but Lars said I had I did. And ended up having a lot of fun :)
At the tailgate party before the game...
Boys in front of the wagon wheel...something to do with beating BYU the week before? Apparently we hadn't beat them in like 1000 years or something?  
 I loved that Ashton wanted to try this...
Brought back fun memories!
Love these cute faces...
 Ran into one of my best friends :)
 And got a crepe! Oh yeah...I DO like football!
 Gunnar was getting cold and tired, so he wanted to sit on my lap...
 He got heavy, so I handed him off to Lars and he fell asleep :)
 Ashton had a blast...he saw some friends sitting near us, so he went to sit with them, then they went up on the grass and played their own football game, then they went with one of the kids' moms up to one of the private viewing boxes and hung out there for half the game!
And we finally got home about 12:30. Oh and the Aggies won!
Oh and also apparently I was up on the big screen at one point, but I missed it! Some girl had come up to me while we were at the tailgate party and asked to take my picture and said it would be on the screen. Oh well...I'm sure I was people watching rather than watching the game or the screen :)


A couple weeks ago, Ashton got to check out of school a little early on a Friday and go hunting and camping with Lars. He was beyond excited and they had lots of fun! Besides getting rained on. I think they would have stayed 2 nights if all of their stuff wasn't soaked from the rain.
I remember when the boys were really little and it seemed like it would be a really long time before they were old enough to go hunting with Lars. Wow did those days fly by quickly. It's hard to believe that that time is here now.
It was nice though to separate them for a day and a half and for Lars and I each to have some one on one time with them. Gunnar was happy to just be home with me.
Lars even took a few pictures...
I love this one of Ashton while he was on the phone with me :)
 Hanging out in the tent by the heater...
 I don't know anyone who loves a campfire more than Ashton...
While they were gone was when Gunnar had his super rainy soccer game...I took him to get Johnny O's donut holes afterwards. I loved that when I asked him if he wanted some hot chocolate too he said "That would be a waste of money to buy it here Mom, when we could just make our own at home!" :)

Caught up on photoshoots for now!

September & October have been busy for me for photoshoots, but I am finally caught up and don't have any more scheduled for the next couple weeks. Favorites from my recent shoots :)