Sunday, March 25, 2012

Haircuts finally!

The time had come. And gone. So finally after planning to do haircuts for about 2 weeks, we got them done today. OUTSIDE :) So much better than in my kitchen!
Even though I don't cut much hair these days, I am so glad I have my license and have this skill that saves money every month on taking them somewhere!
Ashton still HATES to get his hair cut. Always has.
We used to have to distract him with phones & all sorts of other things...he was such a cute baby!
I keep waiting for him to get a little better about it, but he must have a sensitive head like me. And let's be honest...he can't stand to sit still and take precious time away from playing.
 I told Lars to take some pictures, but he didn't get around to it until it was Gunnar's turn.
Gunnar does so well now. Sits still the whole time and giggles when I get his neck hairs :)
 I like his hair a little bit longer, so he just got a little trim.
Cute boy!
Here they are after,
they did a lot of this all weekend...
You are so handsome Ashton! 
 They both happened to put the same mismatched jammies on after their showers...funny coincidence :) 
Love the swingset and the nice weather this weekend! Praying for it to continue on through Wednesday...
Only 3 more sleeps till the big day;)

1 comment:

Susan O. said...

Both of their haircuts looked really cute yesterday :)
