Sunday, April 28, 2013

Gunnar's first season of soccer! And Ashton's 7th!

I remember a time when I thought it was a long ways away before we had 2 kids in sports at the same time. I can't believe the time has come. It makes me sad, but also excited for Gunnar to get his turn now. He had his very first game a couple weeks ago. He was excited to put the jersey, cleats, shin guards and socks on, he was even excited to get there and practice with his little team for about 15 minutes.  
Then the game started and we started cheering him on. That's where the excitement ended and his shyness got the best of him. He stayed in the game for the first quarter about, then I could just see him trying not to cry. Eventually he ran out of the game and sat on my lap crying the rest of the game. I felt so bad for him :( I know he was just nervous and hated everyone watching him. So he got his treat and drink at the end and we left.
We didn't talk a lot about it and just hoped he feel differently at his next game.
We told him before that next game that if he wanted to keep the jersey and get a snack after the game he needed to get out there and play and he said confidently "I will." Then I asked him if he maybe didn't want us to cheer for him while he was playing and if that had bothered him before and he said that no he didn't want us to. He did say that we could cheer for him if he made a goal though.
So off we went to his second game and I crossed my fingers that he would just get out there and play and have fun. And he did! And before we knew it he had scored not 1, not 2, but 3 goals for his team!!
And you can bet I was on my feet cheering for him then! It was so fun!
I loved the look on his face after he would score. So proud and so cute!
He has had 2 more games since then and is still loving it...I am so glad!
It's so hard to believe that Ashton just started his 7th season playing. Usually by the end of each season we think it's his last, but then he wants to play again and likes it for about half of the season. We'll see how the rest of this season goes.
He had a great first game and played really hard and even scored a goal and has scored once more since then.
Still not aggressive, but trying hard and that is good enough for me. I'm so proud of him. He's got a really good coach again and some great little players on his team.

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