Sunday, April 28, 2013

Ashton got glasses! (and a haircut)...

The week after we got back from spring break, the boys were scheduled to go in and get their eyes checked. For a couple weeks before that, Ashton had started to complain about his eyes bugging him, things being blurry I was interested to see what the eye doctor said. We knew it was only a matter of time (unless he miraculously didn't need glasses with us as parents), but I also knew that he really wanted glasses, so I wanted to know that he also really did need them to see better.
And sure enough he did, and he was SO excited! And disappointed that he had to wait a few days for them to arrive after they were ordered. I let him choose which frames he wanted and was glad he chose some cute ones...
 The day they came in, he and I went in right after school to pick them up while Gunnar was still at school.
It was fun seeing him wear them for the first time and point out how much clearer everything was! He was reading signs all over the place :)
That night I went out with some friends for dinner and shopping and Lars texted me saying that at Ashton's soccer practice he'd already gotten hit right in the face with a ball! I thought for sure the glasses were already broken, but thank goodness they weren't!
Anyway I'm so glad he's loving them.
About a week after he got them I told him it was time to get his hair trimmed because it was getting down in his eyes and just really long and scraggly. So he agreed and then while I was cutting it he started to say that maybe he'd like to go shorter this time, so I asked him a few times if he was sure and he went back and forth about it, so I told him I'd just go medium and not super short. He agreed to that, and even liked it when he went and put his glasses on and checked it out in the mirror.
I loved seeing his hair shorter again! Even though the longer look had also really grown on me.
But the next morning before school, he changed his mind and decided he hated how it looked. By the time we got to the school he was in tears saying everyone was going to tease him and he hated it and he just wanted to go home and on and on and on. I felt terrible! Eventually I walked him in about 15 minutes late and talked to his teacher about how he was feeling and just left and prayed for him all day.
I was so glad when I picked him up that he felt better about it all. He still says he wants to grow it longer again. But for now, we are loving seeing more of this cute face!


Susan O. said...

Yes he absolutely looks cute with it ANY length! :)

Ashley said...

I love the short hair, it will be cooler for the summer at least. Love his glasses too!