Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Tide Pools @ La Jolla Cove...

Thursday was our last full day in San Diego, so we decided to just let the boys swim in the morning...I made myself run on the treadmill again, then we all got ready for the day and drove down to try to find some tide pools.
Oh the time spent in the made parts of our vacation torture! Ashton and Gunnar could not quit fighting!!
We had a small rental car and a couple times I squeezed in between them in the back seat just so they couldn't get at each other. I guess I should have done that that day, because that drive was a nightmare and by the time we got parked, we were all grouchy!
Ashton was "starving" , so we got out and walked around looking for a place for lunch and finally decided on this place...

It ended up being really good and we ate outside and could see the ocean.
 After we ate things looked up and we drove to a different spot right by the ocean and walked a little ways and found a whole area of tide pools.
 Ashton and Gunnar thought they were so cool and they spent at least an hour or so digging in them, collecting shells and trying to catch the sneaky crabs.
Ashton finally caught a tiny one...
It was so pretty there and I loved just watching them explore...
We went at a perfect time...luckily Lars had looked up the tide times.
After they finally got done with that, we walked over to a different part and they played in these huge waves for about 10 minutes.
It ended quickly when after telling them over and over to not go out so far, they each took a turn getting knocked over and sucked under a huge wave and came up crying and mad!~
 And of course that day, we hadn't brought any towels!
Oh well...they got over it. And I made them pose for a picture before we left. I love looking back on the one from 5 years ago and comparing :)
Time flies...and they have gotten so big...
After we got back to the room, they of course swam again forever...
And I sat by the pool and ate cookies :)

Then finally that night we drug them out of the pool and went down to eat our last dinner at PF Changs and it was SO good!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Looks like such a fun day. I love the picture of Lars doing a cannon ball!