Monday, November 30, 2009

Wow they learn fast...

So here is Gunnar's latest...
After he got my floss out of my drawer and strung it all out, I say to him "Oh Gunnar...what did you do?" To which he replies "Aggie did it." I couldn't believe it! He already knows to blame stuff on his big brother???
Sneaky little guy...

So then while we're in Evanston he got up at like 5:15 every morning (so fun), so I took him upstairs one of the mornings and tried to get him to quietly play with toys while I laid back down on the couch. So he found this little thing that must have come off of a cake at some was little balls that were supposed to be balloons and anyway he sat and plucked all of the balls off of it and when Lars came upstairs and asked him what he did...he says (as I'm half asleep)

"Mommy did it."
Little stinker!
Some of his other sayings this past week:
"Good job Aggie!" He loves to say this whenever Ashton does something we ask him to.
Everytime I give him his milk he asks me "Chaw Chock?" Which translated means..."Is it chocolate?"
And of course he loves "chaw chock chips". I had to bribe him with them to get his haircut done last night...I always remember Ashton for a long time called chocolate "choclick."
These days of having little kids is the best...I think I'll freeze them just how they are.


Tallie Geddes said...

If you figure out how to do it let me know - I get sick at thought of them going to kindergarten next year - two kids in school - this could get scary!

Cascio Photography said...

I seriously can't believe he is already doing that!! Stinker!