Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Caught UP!?!?!

I never really thought I'd ever be able to say this ...but this last weekend I got completely caught up
on my scrapbooking! Who knows when I'll ever be able to say it again, but for today it's a good feeling!
The only way I was able to do it, was by using these albums. They are from Creative Memories and they're called Picfolio albums...and basically just look like a photo album with little slots to put your pictures in, but you can be a little more creative and kind of scrapbook them. They made it so fast and easy! I got 2 whole albums done...64 pages! And I really like how they turned out.

My friend Brianne and her 4 sisters and Mom rented out the room at the Book Table all weekend to get together and scrapbook and Brianne was nice enough to invite me to come along...thanks Bri!

I didn't ever know about the room there, but it's a pretty good deal. Each person just has to buy $10 worth of products from the store and that gets the room for your group for a full day (10 am until as late as you want!) We stayed till 2:00 am the night I went. Anyway I want to do it again, so if anyone ever wants to get together and book it, let me know!

Here are my albums and a few more of my pages....


horsehug said...

Wow Jessica!I am very impressed! Your kids are still going to be the very most recorded and remembered of any I think in history :-) Your new pages are so nice! And that does sounds like a super idea to rent.

Jody said...

Those are AWESOME and adorable!! Can you catch me up!! You are one amazing person!! Love ya and your in my prayers!!

annilee said...

LOVE THEM!!! I want to get caught up will you come scrapbook with me?

Tallie Geddes said...

You stink - showoff! I am sooooo behind! Now that your caught up - you can come help me! They turned out way cute - good job!

Lindee said...

caught up? what's that? the last page i did was addy at 6 months old. good job jess! i'll have to check out those books.

Mandy said...

I love the pages - where did you get the ones with the clovers? Way cute - And make sure to let everyone know who they can get the albums from - get some business goin' for me Jess!

jessica said...

Thanks girls!
Oh and Mandy, I totally thought of that after I did this post! I forgot to put that I got them from you! I'll add it in :) Oh and your check is on the way!