Saturday, May 8, 2010

Dear Ashton...

Yesterday you made my day.
I had so much fun at the Mother's Picnic at the park with you and your preschool class. It isn't often that you and I get to spend time alone together, so on those rare occasions, it is so special to me.
You looked so handsome :)
I tried to talk you into getting food from Rumbi, but you had your heart set on McDonald's to take for lunch, so we pulled through and you got a happy meal with chicken nuggets and fries and a sprite.
After we ate our lunch you gave me my Mother's Day gift...
It brought tears to my eyes to open it up and read this...
Thank you my sweet boy.
You are just growing up way too fast.
I love you more than you will ever know.
Love, Mommy


horsehug said...

This brought tears to my eyes also, Jessica! I still have the cards you kids have sent me on Mothers Day over the years. And I love them all and all of you more than you will ever know either.

Love, Mom

Jody said...

How precious! We are so blessed to be moms and have such great kids! Hope you have a special day!

annilee said...

Awww, so precious! Such a cute card, and you are right, what a handsome little guy! You are a beautiful mother, and I am blessed because I know you! Happy Mothers Day girl!

Angie said...

So sweet! Don't you just love them to pieces!?! Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day with the boys.

Lindee said...

he is a sweet boy and your a sweet mom!

Ballard Family said...

so sweet and i copied your background...if you didn't notice hope you don't care! how are you doing? I told Breanne we should all get together sometime and do something :)

Patti said...

How adorable! The last picture of you two under the tree is so precious! :)