Thursday, June 23, 2011

So many things to catch up on...

But not tonight...
I am supposed to be packing to go to Price tomorrow, and I need to clean the house too because I can't stand to come home to a messy house. Especially when we are coming home without Ashton and Gunnar! Yes it's true...they get to spend most of the week with Nana and Papa and they are so excited! Ashton is doing a soccer camp with his cousin Hunter all week and Gunnar couldn't be left out, so he gets to stay and play too. Hopefully he'll still be excited when he realizes we're not staying there all week with them...
Lars has to work all week and I decided it would be a good opportunity to catch up on all of those little projects around the house that never get done with kids at home. As well as one big project that I can't believe I talked Lars into :) Stay tuned for that...
It will be good for me to stay busy, because I will miss Ashton and Gunnar so much, but I know they will have fun.

Anyway we are having a great summer so far...I just have to say I LOVE summer! I love that Ashton gets up every morning and immediately checks our little weather man to see how warm it is already, then gets SO excited when he sees it's already 80 at 9:00 in the morning! Oh and did I mention that both of them have been sleeping in till almost that late EVERY morning?? There was a time when I thought I would never sleep in again in my life...Yes I LOVE summer! So far it has been a busy one!

Here are the things I will catch up on when we get back to our very quiet house...

The Dinosaur Park
Swimming lessons
A day at the "Logan Pool"
Our new boat!!!

Ashton and Gunnar's First Lemonade stand :)
Flowers and Caterpillars
An update on Lars...

Wow I am so behind...but now I'm off to clean and think about how it will stay clean for a few days!

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