Thursday, September 15, 2011

Gunnar's first team sport...KICKBALL!

For the past month Gunnar has been playing kickball. They have it here in Providence for the 3 & 4 year olds...It's pretty cute to watch. Or should I say play...because I pretty much played every game with Gunnar.
He wanted me right by his side the whole time except for at his last game tonight.
 He played the whole game by himself!
(so I finally got some pictures)
 I was so proud of him. He was so cute kicking the ball and running around the bases.
I'm glad he ended up really liking it and having fun with it.
His team & coaches cheering for the other team at the end...

 In other Gunnar news...he is also really loving preschool. His 2nd and 3rd day both went great this week. He goes right in and is excited to start each day and comes running to me when I go pick him up and loves telling me all about the stuff they got to do.
I am SO glad!

And yet other exciting Gunnar news...he has woken up dry every day for about 3 weeks now! About that long ago, I finally got around to making him a sticker chart and he has loved putting a sticker on it each morning when he's woken up dry. After the first 5 times he earned his own "big boy" scooter and he loves it and rides it every day!
It has been so nice to give up the pull-ups!

What else? Not much I guess...Oh wait, I just re-did his whole room, and it's almost coming soon :)


Susan O. said...

Gunnar is entirely too cute with his red hair and green shirt and kicking and running the bases! And I'm so glad he loves preschool :)


Nora said...

What a joy it is to see Gunnar running and kicking the ball, he is so precious and cute, thanks for sharing his life with me. Love, MIL