Monday, September 12, 2011

Rascal Flatts Concert!!

Last Friday night some friends and I went to see Rascal Flatts and Sara Evans at the Usana Ampitheater in West Valley.
 It was SO fun! Both of them have always been some of my very favorites.
Here we are at my house on our way to head down to Layton to get Randi and Courtney...
Lars thinks I'm too old to still be going to concerts.
I don't. I'm not too old to love music, and I think all Moms need to have girls night out at least once a month, and to me concerts are a great place to do it!
We laugh so hard and enjoy ourselves way too much. All without alcohol!
Unlike half the people around us...
Here's our group...
Brianne, me, Starlee, Randi, Nikki & Courtney
This was also the first outdoor concert I had been to in years...I can't even remember the last one I'd been to. We just bought the cheap general admissions seats out on the lawn and brought blankets to sit on (since they don't let you bring in chairs.)
As we were driving there, a huge storm blew in...thunder, lightning, HARD rain and huge winds! We were worried it was going to get cancelled, but we just waited it out in the parking lot in the truck for about half an hour, then went in and it cleared out and ended up being a really nice night.
Sara sang that new song "Easy" with them, that Natasha Bettingfield usually sings with them :)
Good times!

Thanks girls :) 

1 comment:

Ashley said...

You are never too old to go to concerts! Lars is just jealous he isn't as cool as you: ) thanks for all the blog updates. what a fun way to start my day. I hope Lars is feeling better.