Thursday, April 12, 2012

Goblin Valley...

After going to Salt Lake on Saturday, we headed down to Price to spend a few days of the boys' spring break. They love going there and playing with their cousin Hunter. I asked Ashton at one point what was his favorite thing we did over the break...Going to Planet Play? Or playing with Hunter at Nana & Papa's? With no hesitation he said Playing with Hunter!
And that's what he and Gunnar did for most of the first days we were there. Play, play, play!
On Monday, Lars and I went fishing for a few hours...yes it was cold! But it was fun...we don't get out by ourselves very often anymore and when we first met and first were married we used to go fishing all the time together. We caught a few fish...Lars caught a big brown that I need to get the picture of and put on here.
Then on Tuesday we decided to drive over to Goblin Valley...let's be honest I don't know exactly where it's at, just that it took an hour and a half to get there from Price and is somewhere near Green River, Utah. I had no idea it was so close and we'd never made the trip before. It is beautiful there and was heaven for the boys! They thought it was the greatest place ever...being able to run around and climb on all of the crazy rock formations. So fun!
Here are some of my favorites and what they looked like to me...
An Angry Bird!
A baby with it's hands reaching up...
Weird little faces...
A frog face...
Mario Mushrooms...
Depending on how you look at it, either a duck...or Jaba the Hut from Star Wars...
It really is an amazing place and as we hiked around we wondered what it was like for the very first people who discovered it...can you imagine what they thought?
It was a beautiful 60 degree felt good after lots of cold windy days, and I don't think it would be fun to go with it much hotter, I can't imagine camping there in the summer with no shade!
After we hiked all around the "goblins", we drove over to the camp spots and found a picnic table for lunch, then we went and hiked the Little Wild Horse Canyon. It was really neat too with all of the skinny "slots" to walk through...
 God sure made us a beautiful world to live in didn't He?
That hike was a little long for some of us...(Papa & Gunnar :)...
But it was a really fun way to spend our last day there. We headed home on Wednesday and Lars went back to work for one day  (Thursday), then had Good Friday off. I love that his company gives him that day off since they aren't based in Utah!
Oh in the midst of all of this I was in pain trying to pass a kidney stone...they are not a fun thing to have! I finally passed it on Saturday morning...Halleluiah! Amazing how such a tiny little thing can cause so much pain.
I don't think I'd had one since I was pregnant with Ashton.
Next up...Easter :)

1 comment:

Susan O. said...

Wow I love so many of the pictures you put on this cute of the boys. :) I'd love that goblin place!! :) I don't even need shade :)
