Saturday, September 22, 2012

A few more randoms...

Just a few things I forgot in my last post...
The other day when I told Gunnar to go get dressed in a shirt I laid out for him, he yelled back to me..."You mean this one with the two bananas on it Mom?" haha :)
 Then at one of Ashton's soccer practices, we spotted this huge sunflower hanging over the fence and went to check it out...
I love this picture of Gunnar!
Some days he still loves to be my little helper :)
Some days we go for a walk after we get Ashton off to school.
Gunnar talks my ear off and says some funny stuff. One day I was getting ready to go down one of our big hills and he told me "Run fast Mom cause you have a fat bum!" Little stinker!
I love this picture of his cute monster feet sticking out...haha.
A few weeks ago Lars was heading out for a hike and the boys asked him to bring them back a rattle off a rattlesnake...
Well, ask and you shall receive!
Lars said they were hiking and in front of them on the trail, sure enough there was a rattlesnake, so they chased it down (not a good idea!) and let's just say they got the rattle off of it. Glad I wasn't on that hike...
This past week I spent the good part of one day (with lots of little interruptions) getting caught up on my scrapbooking. Did I mention how much I love these albums??
 I got almost 30 pages done! hmmm...maybe I won't go digital just yet.
We are home alone while Lars is gone hunting again, possibly the whole week! But we are having fun...somehow we always manage to find stuff to do.
Last night was the Monster Truck Rally! I'll post about that next...
Today Gunnar and I slept in till 9...heaven. Ashton loves to get up early by himself...I think he was up by 7:30. Today he snuck downstairs and watched part of a movie on the new tv.
Then we had soccer at noon and I'm happy to say the rest of the day (after they not very happily cleaned up the playroom) they have been playing nicely together! They've been playing something (who knows what!)for a long time in the spare bedroom closet...haha. I love days like today....

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