Saturday, September 8, 2012

Labor Day...2012

Last weekend we decided to stay home and invite Nana & Papa to come stay for the weekend. They ended up brining Hunter with them, so the boys were in HEAVEN! There is just something about the dynamic between these 3 just works, and they have so much fun together!
Not a single fight all weekend long and they were here for 3 nights. They showed up on Friday about noon, so Gunnar got Hunter all to himself for a couple hours before Ashton got out of school. Hunter and Gunnar are so much alike, many ways past their matching red hair. They have the same sweet sensitive personality. They had a lot of fun playing this Angry Birds game for awhile.

 That night we just stayed home and I tried out a yummy new recipe...Chicken Enchilada Pasta. It turned out really good!
That first night we let them all camp out together on an air mattress in Gunnar's room...
 They had a blast, but didn't get the best sleep, so the next night we split them up!
Saturday we hung out, then everyone besides me went to the fun park. I got a few things done at home then we met up for lunch at pizza pie cafe, then Lars and I were able to go furniture shopping for a bit alone while his parents took the boys home.
And we found something! Stay tuned...
That night it got pretty stormy, so we just stayed in again. Sunday we went to church, then came home and packed up stuff do go have a bbq at Von's park. They boys and Papa played a little baseball, then we ate, then Lars made Hunter a slingshot and they all had fun shooting rocks at targets for a long time.
 Monday morning they got up and got ready to head home. It was a fun weekend having them here.
 Before they left Papa helped Lars move all the living room furniture so we could get the carpets cleaned.
So nice to have that done!


Susan O. said...

What a Fun wonderful weekend! It is super that they have Hunter to play with :)
Can't wait to hear about your furniture :)


Elizabeth said...

I am SO glad that Angry Birds game still holds their interest! I bet they are getting really good at it. Hope all it well :)