Friday, December 20, 2013


Believe it or not, I've become a runner! Well I've been running for a couple years I guess, but really never more than 3 miles. Until about 2 months ago when Kelli started her training for a half marathon and told me to just do her training schedule with her. So every week she has texted me what our runs are for the week and what do you know, I've actually been able to do it and have done every single run on the program...including the 8 mile one this week that I did this morning!
I think about it and honestly just can't believe it. I RAN 8 MILES!!
It feels so good to set goals and reach them. I've never been much of a goal setter, but I will continue to be now. That 8 miles was not easy and I had to keep talking myself into keep on going, but I did it!
Anyway I guess I should be signed up for a race like she is, but for now I am just really proud of myself :)
Oh and I am actually signed up for two different races this next summer with some friends. They are both relay goes from Logan to Park City and the other goes from Logan to Jackson. It will be such an accomplishment for me to do something that I really never in a million years thought was possible :)
It is such a huge motivator for me to be doing this with Kelli...the whole time I'm running I think about how I'm going to text her how far I went and what my pace was etc...
And I just feel good!

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