Saturday, August 15, 2009

Vacation Bible School...

Not this past week, but last Monday through Friday, Ashton went to Vacation Bible School at our church each day from 9:00 am to noon. He had so much fun and I'm so glad he had the opportunity to go to it. I've helped at it in the past, but decided this year that I wanted him to really get something out of it and enjoy it and I know that if I had been there, he may not have done as well. Like the summer 2 years ago when I was barely pregnant with Gunnar (and sick!) and Ashton was 2 1/2. I was in charge of all the crafts and they had me put Ashton in the preschool part of it and it was a nightmare! All he did was cry and misbehave and run down to my classroom all day!

But this year he did great and it was so fun to have him come home each day and tell me about the Bible point of the day and sing the songs he learned and show me the fun crafts they got to do and tell me about the snack of the day. He LOVED all of it! A couple of the days I showed up a little early to pick him up so that I could see him sing the songs and do the hand motions that they taught him to go along with was so cute! One of the days, one of the leaders came up to me and said "Ashton is so cute, when Father is telling the Bible story and asking questions at the end, he is the first one with his hand raised wanting to answer"! It made me want to cry. He has come so far this past year and I'm just so proud of him!
Here he is with his buddies Julius and Dante...
The last day after it was over they had a children's mass , so I asked my awesome neighbor Lindee to watch Gunnar so I could go sit with Ashton at the mass. It was so nice to be there with just him and see him paying attention and singing the songs again. They really do such a great job with the whole thing. I can't wait to put him in it again next year and maybe I'll even help out again.
We'll see how Gunnar is doing at a little over 2...


Cassidy said...

what a fun thing for kids. Freak no wonder ashton loved it.

Tallie Geddes said...

Wow you have blogged since I last checked - you have really captured your summer - good job! I need some of your energy!