Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween 2012 photoshoot...

It has become a tradition every year to take the boys out and do a little Halloween photoshoot a few days before the actualy holiday, and I'm always so glad that I do it. They are just way too excited to stand still for pictures on Halloween night when they are ready to get out and trick or treat...finally! And with all of our family not living close enough to see them on Halloween, it's fun for me to make fun cards and send them out with the pictures in them.
Since they've been old enough to decide what they want to be, it's been so fun to see what they will choose and I love how much thought they put into it. Over the summer they'd said that they wanted to be ninjas, but as it got closer Ashton changed his mind and was so excited to be...who else but Harry Potter! When I asked Gunnar what he wanted to be he said he didn't know for awhile, then one day he said he'd decided he wanted to be Peter Pan. I thought that would be really cute too, so I ordered both of them (not in the mood to attempt to make anything this year, and well really the only one I've ever made was Gunnar's mini m&m)...anyway, they both came within a couple weeks. Gunnar's first and after trying it on once and taking it right back off, he decided that he didn't want to be Peter Pan! But didn't really know what he wanted to be instead. So I sent the costume back (and was happy that it had been free shipping and Amazon credited what we paid to ship it back!) and waited for him to decide. It took him a few days, but then on his own he decided he wanted to be Ron Weasley! I hadn't even thought of encouraging him to be that, but once he said it, I knew he'd make a perfect Ron with his red hair :)
So here are my favorite shots of our cute Harry Potter and his best friend Ron Weasley...
I think they looked so cute in their costumes and these little photoshoots are so fun!
Here are this year's cards...


1 comment:

Susan O. said...

I just LOVE how cute they are as Harry Potter and Ron Weasley :)
Wonderful choice! :)

Grandma :)