Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Love DaY...2012

Like all holidays, we LOVE Valentines Day at our house! Any excuse for me to try to be crafty...and a day all about telling and showing eachother we love eachother is great. Of course we do those things everyday, but it's still fun :)
This was Gunnar's first year to do a Valentine exchange at school, so I tried to think of what he and Ashton are into right now and they love SONIC Hedgehog so I decided to design their Valentines this year and print them off and attach some candy and of course pictures I took of them (pictures always have to be involved!) They turned out pretty cute and they had fun putting them together with me. Well Gunnar had a lot of fun...
 ...and I got Ashton to at least write his classmates names on his.
He is just way too busy for stuff like this now as a big 7 year old!

(have to interrupt this post for a second...because my sweet little Gunnar in his cute little fuzzy sleeper, yes he all of a sudden loves wearing sleepers again! downstairs with me playing Ashton's DS and he just asked if he could come sit on my lap while I type...of course I let him and I asked him if he will always want to sit on my lap, even when he's big. He said yes then kind of laughed and asked "Even when I'm big like Dad?" Cutie...I will miss these days so much of him wanting to sit with me and snuggle all the time :( Yes Gunnar you can sit on my lap anytime you want!)
Anyway here are the boys' Valentines and the pictures I took of them to attach and also to send with cards to grandparents...
So we got all of that done the week before Valentines Day...
Then on V day the boys woke up with a little trail of paper hearts coming out of their rooms that lead them to a bigger paper heart with the first clue written on it for their heart treasure hunt. I've done this for them the past couple of years and they think it's SO fun, so we will continue on each year with this little tradition.
After going from one heart clue to the next...I think there ended up being 12 this year, they finally got to their Valentine treats. Sonic t-shirts a little box of candy...for Ashton chocolate covered cookie doughballs and for Gunnar m&m's.
 Gunnar was funny later that night, he said..."Hey Mom, how did the Valentime Guys know that I like m&m's??" So I said "Uh Gunnar...I'm the "Valentime Guy"...haha! Made me laugh and think  hmmm...what reason would he have to think there aren't valentime guys??
So after our little treasure hunt we had crepes with bananas, whip cream and hershey's syrup for breakfast...YUM!
Then it was off to school for Ashton. Gunnar had school later and while he was there I helped out with Ashton's party at school. Valentines Day is so fun for his age...I totally remember loving it! After school they both came home and dumped out their stash of cards and treats.
Later that night Lars made us all a yummy was a fun day.
Love these boys so much :)

1 comment:

Susan O. said...

You're an amazing mom. :)
