Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend in Wyoming...

Lars is in Vegas and has been since Friday, so I decided to load up and take the boys to Grandma and Grandpa Harry's house for the weekend. We took off right after we picked Gunnar up from school on Friday. They were both SO excited and couldn't wait to get going.
They watched the 4th Harry Potter on the way...I keep forgetting to post that Ashton made it through that book a few weeks ago.
He has to take what are called AR tests at school on books that he's read (basically reading comprehension tests) and he said after he took the test on that book, he now has over 75 AR points! He told me he's in the 75 point club now...oh and he's the only one in that club! So proud of him...he is such a great reader :)
Anyway we had a fun weekend. Ashton spent HOURS playing Grandma's piano and it was so nice to have her there helping him. Luckily he never asks me for help since I have no clue.
He just always says it's all so easy....everything his teacher has him doing so far. So he loved practicing some harder songs with Grandma. I am so so glad he is loving it so much and pray he continues has been so good for him!
Gunnar happily played with Legos and some new little block sets Grandma bought for them :)
We went to church Saturday night and then out to dinner at Suds Brothers. Ashton loves cheeseburgers now, so that is always his request when we go out to eat. Gunnar loves alfredo noodles.
We decided to stay most of the day on Sunday and they were mostly still happy to just play inside. I finally got out of my lazy mode and made myself go for a run. I made it 3 miles and it was hard. Lars reminded me that the elevation is a lot higher, so that made sense why I had a hard time catching my breath. Anyway it was a beautiful day so as soon as I got back, I talked the boys into getting their snow clothes on and heading outside to play on the huge snow pile.
They had a blast on that for awhile.
My new favorite picture of Ashton... 
 Cutie :) 
I gradually got all of our stuff packed up and we headed out about 4:30 new time. I love taking the boys there and hope that they grow up having great memories of Grandma and Grandpa Harry's house like I do of my grandparents houses. :)

1 comment:

Susan O. said...

It was wonderful having all of you here at our little house on the snowy prairie! :)