Tuesday, March 5, 2013

13 Years...

Last Tuesday...February 26th, Lars and I celebrated our 13 year wedding anniversary!
Well we didn't really do anything to celebrate, but we hit 13 years. Seems so crazy to me.
Time just keeps flying by...
And every year I realize more and more how lucky I am to have him as my husband.
I remember telling him before we were really dating, when we were just hanging out a lot as friends...that whoever ended up with him would be a lucky girl. And I was right :)
I love you hunnie...thanks for all you do for the boys and me and for being such a great husband and Dad!
We decided that we will celebrate when I go on his work trip to NewYork with him next month. I've never been there, so it should be fun.

Oh and a funny story...
Lars listens to this one am radio station EVERY morning while he's getting ready for work. Well on the day of our anniversary he walked out to the kitchen and said "Darn...I screwed up, I should have called in our anniversary, we would have been the only ones today and would have won something."
I couldn't believe he didn't call in and he listens every single day!
So I took it upon myself to look up the phone number to that radio station and called in after he went to work. I told the DJ that my husband forgot to call in our anniversary and that I knew they'd already chosen a winner from a different day, but he said he'd still enter us into the monthly drawing.

So on March 1st, he of course had the radio on and I was still sleeping, but woke up to the radio being turned up right as the guy announced the monthly winner in the Anniversary Club...on February 26th to Jeremy and Jessica Larsen!
Haha...I was laughing :)

So we ended up winning a little getaway package (like the one I always get to go do my scrapbooking) to a hotel in Logan with a dinner certificate. So there's our anniversary present!

1 comment:

Susan O. said...

Love the story about the radio station :) Glad you won!!! And 13 years is fantastic!