Friday, April 18, 2014


Wow it seems like it was just Ash Wednesday and now it is almost Easter...the day after tomorrow.
I love Easter and I actually love Lent as well. This year especially it just has made me really slow down and think about what it is really all about. I feel like I have taken more time to pray and I just really feel so peaceful and so close to God. During Lent we as Catholics can "give something up", and I always do (this year it was Facebook and chocolate)...I chose those things because for me they are the biggest sacrifice. It has definitely been hard, but as the weeks have gone on it got easier and especially the no Facebook has actually been nice. I miss keeping in touch with all of my friends that way, but it can become such a distraction that I put it before more important things.
Anyway besides giving something up, Lent is so much more. It is about fasting, praying and giving alms & more this year than ever before I have felt like I've followed through on all of the above. I was able to go to a Lenten Retreat that my church had last weekend and finally made it to the Stations of the Cross today for Good Friday. Anyway I am just so grateful always for my faith, but above all for the sacrifice that Jesus made for me and for all of us so that we can live again with Him.
I am looking forward to Easter and time spent celebrating with family :)

1 comment:

Jana said...

You inspire me. Just knowing you makes me feel like a better person. Thank you for your faith, your example and for being absolutely wonderful. I love watching you and learning from you.