Monday, April 20, 2015

Texas Trip (Day 4)

The boys shared a room, and each morning woke up about 7:00 and got to play their kindles for about an hour while we slept in. They loved that :)
On Tuesday after we got up, we had breakfast and I think that was the day that Ashton finally got his hands on one of these green lizards!
Every morning they would come out and sit on the umbrella pole and Ashton would sneak out and try to grab one.
 Well this day I heard him yell, I got him! Then a second later kind of scream when the lizard got away, but the tail stayed in his hand! haha...
Then later I got this picture of the tail-less lizard...
Anyway...after we got ready for the day, we drove back to Galveston to go to this Pleasure Pier place, but unfortunately realized when we got there that this time of year the rides and everything are only open on the weekends.
So we went to a little gift shop and the boys picked out these little sting rays that Grandpa and Grandma bought for them...
Then we decided to go to lunch at Raiforest Café...
It was really good and always brings back memories of when we went when Ashton was 2 and was terrified of the big gorillas. He just covered his eyes tight the whole time...haha :)
After lunch, we stopped off at this fresh fish market and got shrimp and fish to grill for dinner that night.
Watching the guys clean the fish...
Then daring each other to touch the live crabs...
Then we headed over to Kemah so the boys could ride some rides...
Gunnar, before and after riding the big roller coaster :)
Ashton our fearless child...loved this crazy ride that went upside down and rode it 3 or 4 times. Gag!
Poor Gunnar...the look on his face on this one when it came down, he was terrified!
It takes you really high, then just drops you. Needless to say he did not want to ride it again!
Funny boys...I told them to step behind these bars so I could take their picture, and these were the faces they made...
Another fun day at Kemah, and just a couple pictures from our last trip there. So hard to believe 5 years had passed since then.
After we got home that night, we grilled the shrimp and fish and it was so good!!
Then as promised, we made a fire and roasted marshmallows...
I don't think Gunnar ever roasts a marshmallow without charring it!
 Another fun day :)

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