Monday, August 24, 2015

Our family of 4...

Even though I always wanted more kids, lots of times lately I feel like our family of 4 is the perfect number.
That's what I kept thinking the night Lars came home with this for us to ride around in for the night...
He had rented it for him and his work guys for the day as a "Team Building" activity. They took it and drove clear up Providence canyon and went skeet shooting etc...
Then he didn't have to have it back till 10 pm, so we got to play in it for a few hours and it was SO fun!!
We packed a dinner and drove up Providence canyon and drove around for awhile then got out and ate and looked at the view, then drove around some more (even let Ashton try!)
 And then we eventually came home.
Such a fun night!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

That looks like so much fun! I love the waterfall picture too.