Monday, November 2, 2015

Fall Wyoming trip...

About a month ago, we had a free weekend so I took the boys to Wyoming to visit Grandma. Grandpa Harry was out of town. We had a great time like always.
I just love going home :)
I picked the boys up from school, then we left straight from there and drove through the canyon. Gunnar seems to feel sick every time we drive though there these I had to pull over at one point because he thought he might throw up. He never did. The canyon was so pretty!
 He eventually fell asleep...
 Such a beautiful day, I stopped to take a picture of Bear Lake too...
 When we got to town, Grandma met us at McDonald's to get something to eat before we went over to my old middle school to watch Tianna play volleyball.
Davis Middle school...

That was a blast from the past and kind of a fun walk down memory lane! It was so weird to be there after so many years!
 Fun to walk through the halls and look at all of the old pictures of my teachers. And fun to tell my boys the story that always sticks out in my mind about
 Mr. Shoemaker...
When I was in his class I noticed his zipper was down, so naturally I wrote that   information on a little piece of paper to pass to a friend, but he caught me and told me I needed to read it  out loud to the whole class! So of course when I did, he was totally embarrassed! Very funny to me at the time...good thing I've grown up and am not so mean now! ;)
Anyway it was fun to be there and have so many memories come back to me of that time in my life! Lots of them involved my best friend Missy :)
When we got out to the house, I looked through photo albums until I found the pictures of my 8th grade last memory of being at that school!
Love my fantastic choice of dress! haha :)
It was fun to watch Tianna play volleyball too after waiting close to two hours until it was her turn! The boys were pretty patient overall especially since they couldn't wait to get out to the house to ride their 4 wheelers!
 They rode for a little while that night, then a lot on much fun!
And Grandma drove this new toy around for a few minutes...
 I took a turn too...
 I love this picture :)
 We went to church Saturday night then Kelli and Tianna got pizzas and brought them over and we hung out with them for awhile...
 The boys discovered they love Monopoly and played for a long time before we left on Sunday. I let them do their church homework at Grandma's and we skipped class that day. It's hard to find weekends when we have nothing going on these days and can get up there.
 And after such a fun weekend, this was how half of our ride home went...
 It had been a long time since I'd seen a sight like that.
So peaceful...I loved driving through the beautiful canyon with these sweet boys sleeping like this in the back seat :)


horsehug said...

That was a fun weekend. Glad you go so many cute pictures. :) And glad we went to Davis Middle school for you to have such fun memories also!! hahahaha

Ashley said...

I love your mom's new toy!! I want one