Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ashton's first Pinewood Derby...

For the past couple of weeks Lars and Ashton (and Gunnar too actually:) have been getting cars ready for Ashton's first Pinewood Derby for scouts. They have had so much fun with it!
Last night was the Derby and it was really fun to go watch and see how excited all the boys (and Dads) got.
Here's Ashton and his car designed exactly how he wanted it...he worked on it every step of the way.
And the car Lars made for him and Gunnar :)
(and of course Shockey goes with us everywhere!)
They turned out pretty cute even if they weren't the fastest. Lars is already excited to make another one and figure out how to make it faster.
Ashton thought it was so cool that he got the award for
"Best Design"...
  He couldn't stop talking about it.
He completely forgot, or didn't care that his wasn't the fastest!
Can't wait till next year...and I think I want to make me a bright pink car :)

1 comment:

Susan O. said...

I'm so glad they had so much fun making those cute little cars!! And congratulations to Ashton for best design!! :)