Tuesday, January 1, 2013

First ice-fishing trip of the season...

 A couple days before Christmas, we went out for our first ice-fishing trip of the season. It was a beautiful day up in Idaho at Treasureton, but really slow fishing. Thank goodness for a little hill and sleds...the boys had fun for awhile sledding.
 We weren't even getting any bites for a long time, so they had zero interest in fishing. Can't blame them. They wanted us to set up the tent, so we moved after awhile and got it set up for them.
 I was fishing inside the tent while they played in there and got warm by the heater, and Lars was fishing outside. I was almost falling asleep when I saw a couple of really big fish swim by my line...it was really shallow water and when you have the tent up, you can see down in the water really well.
 The boys stopped what they were doing and came over to see the big fish (that Ashton descibed as "BABY SHARKS!") swimming around.  One of them kind of bumped my line, but neither one ever would take it. Fun to watch them for a few minutes though. Lars came over and gave me a different rod with a different jig on it and sure enough when I dropped it down, one of those big fish came over and took it right away...
That was the only fish I caught all day. Lars caught one other one and that was it.
Time to head home. Fun to get out :)

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