Monday, July 29, 2013

My birthday wish...

About a month ago, a priest who is associated with a program called Food For The Poor  visited our parish and asked that we all donate some money for this charity that does as it's name says, gives food to the poor.
We didn't have our checkbook or any extra money at church that day to put in the envelope, so we took it home and I hung it up on one of my cabinets to remind me to put some money into it and send it in.
So there it sat for a couple weeks with this sad little boy's face staring at me and each time I would walk by it I would think...oh yeah, I need to get that sent in. Then I would continue on with whatever else I was doing and put it off another day.
Then as my birthday was approaching I had an idea come to me...I thought why not see if I could get a bunch of my friends involved in helping to do something good and give back to celebrate my birthday this year rather than making it all about me. So I went back and forth about my idea in my mind, and even lost a little sleep over it. I knew what I wanted to do, but when it came down to it, I didn't want people to think I was just trying to call attention to myself or anything like that. But in the end I what if they think that if it allows me to give more money to families that are literally starving? And I really hoped people wouldn't think that about me. So about a week and a half ago, I decided to just do it.
I had intended to put $100 of my own money in and send it in, so I also posted this on Facebook as well as sent out an email to friends and family who I know don't use Facebook...

Okay...I'm turning 37 in 11 days. Yikes! So I was trying to think of something to do to celebrate, but instead decided I want to do something different this year. I have everything I need and feel so grateful for all the blessings in my life, so it's time to give back. Anyone want to join me? I figure if I can get 37 friends to donate just $10...I can donate $370 plus $100 of my own to help feed the hungry. It's hard to imagine not having enough to eat for just one sad to think of how many out there are suffering every day while I have more than enough.
So who's in? Celebrate me turning old by giving back! Let me know and I can come get it from you or send you my address. Let's see how much we can give!
The response I got was immediate and so positive. So many of my sweet friends and family loved my idea and couldn't wait to send in or drop by their $10. And lots even donated more! It made me so happy and I knew right then that I had put off sending this in for a reason.
I was so excited for my birthday this year! And it really made me want to cry as more and more of my friends left comments then started dropping off their money.
As of today I have reached my goal and can't wait to send the check in to this organization. I'm so glad I took the risk in doing this and it has really made this birthday my best yet!

1 comment:

Susan O. said...

Jessica, I think it was a wonderful idea you had. There are SO many poor in the world and every voice like yours bring awareness and helps!