Tuesday, July 29, 2014

4th of July weekend/my 20 year highschool reunion!

I guess I will make an attempt at catching up on here finally!
After going to the Logan fireworks on the 3rd...
 ...We went to Evanston for the 4th of July and Lars and I also went to my 20 year reunion while we were there. So crazy that it's been that long since I graduated.
We showed up in Evanston on Friday afternoon and hung out at Grandma and Grandpa Harry's house for a little while before we went to the rodeo that night.
Neither the boys or Lars had ever been to one, so it was fun. And Kelli, Boo and Tiana came with us...
 After the rodeo we went out to the house and Lars did a bunch of fireworks with the boys...
Then on Saturday we all went for a hike up to Ruth Lake in the Uintas. Ashton as usual didn't want to go, but once he got up to the top and stepped into the lake, he didn't want to leave! I swear it is the same no matter where we're going or what we're doing!
It is a fun hike and so pretty up there!
That night was my reunion, so we got ready to go awhile after we got home.
The boys got to stay home with Grandpa & Grandma and spent hours doing more fireworks with Grandpa that night.
My reunion was at the round house in Evanston and was really fun...it was so well organized, they did a great job with it and it was fun to catch up with people I hadn't seen for so long. Crazy how much some people had changed and how some looked exactly the same.
 It still just doesn't seem possible that it's been that long, but I'm glad we went :)
I got up early on Sunday and went to church, then we packed up and headed out. We had a family bbq for the reunion at the park, so we went to that then drove home...

1 comment:

Jana said...

You are so cute!!!!!