Friday, September 12, 2008

Before I forget

I wanted to get on here before I forget another comment Ashton made tonight. (I'll get to it in a minute) Anyway Lars and I punished ourselves with another car ride tonight...even an hour in the car these days is too long for us with Ashton and Gunnar! Actually Gunnar did pretty well, It was Ashton this time that whined the whole way. We drove to Bountiful for a wedding reception (Ashton's favorite babysitter Jessica got married today) Congrats Jessica and Cameron!! Anyway it was a backyard reception and Ashton was being wild as ever and by the time we left Lars and I were very frustrated and hungry since we hadn't eaten dinner before we got there. What we really wanted to do was stop off at Red Lobster on the way home, but took one look at all of the people waiting outside and decided against it and went to the Wendy's across the street instead. Well by the time we finally got to order and get our food at the "fast food" restaurant, we may as well have gone to Red Lobster-it was sooooo slow!!!! Grrrr....
Anyway when we were finally on the road again heading home I said to Lars "you and I really need a vacation alone together", and as I mentioned before...Ashton listens very intently to everything we say and says "you guys want to go on vacation? Without me???" And we said yeah someday Mommy and Daddy need to go on a vacation alone. To which he replied..."Well I'm going to go on my own vacation all by myself too then." So we asked him where he would go and he said very matter of factly " To Ogden" (like where else???) I had to laugh! And Lars said "Oh to Ogden hu?" and Ashton said yeah to Target in Ogden to buy a big boy saucer for me." This past week his jealousy and resentment of having a little brother around has really been showing up and he has really been acting out. It kind of comes and goes. He is wearing me out this week! Thank goodness it's Friday and Lars will be home for a couple days!


Lindee said...

thats probably the last place i would go on vacation. well besides the middle east :)

Erica said...

How cute. I'm a target girl too. Maybe me and Ashton could go there while you go on your trip.