Sunday, September 28, 2008

Gunnar is 6 months old!

6 months ago today (March 28) at 12:52 pm our sweet little Gunnar Chase was born. I remember the night before as I was cleaning up after dinner, I started to feel contractions pretty often so I started timing them and they were eventually coming every 4-5 minutes, so I called my Mom to tell her I thought that labor was starting but I wasn't sure. We decided that I would keep timing them for awhile, then I would call her back later. Finally around 9:30 or so I called her back and told her I still wasn't sure, but she said she would just head down. It's a 2 hour drive from Evanston. She showed up around midnight and by that time my contractions had all but stopped! I felt so bad that she had come down and now I didn't really know if I was having the baby or not! So she just slept on the couch and I just decided to go to bed and see what happened in the morning. Thank goodness she'd come to stay with Ashton because sure enough, they started back up around 5:00 am and got fairly strong and consistent about 4-5 mintues apart again, so I woke up Lars and we got showered and ready and were up to the hospital by about 7:30 I think. I remember walking up to the nurses desk, still a little unsure if I was really in labor because it wasn't really too painful yet. So they admitted me and checked me and hooked me up to the fetal monitor and everything and I was definitely in labor, but it wasn't progressing very quickly. I was dilated to a 3 I think, but stayed that way for a couple hours, so eventually they put me on pitosin to get things going quicker and I got my epidural around 9:30 (even though I still wasn't feeling very much)...then I was fully dilated by about 12:45 and after about 3 pushes he was out! I remember our doctor said-"oh looks like he doesn't have any hair" (because she saw the top of his head, that had hardly any hair), but then when he came out of course we saw that it was about an inch long and bright blonde everywhere else! I can still see in my mind exactly how he looked when she held him up for me to see-he was screaming and had his cute little bottom lip stuck out! I can't believe it's already been 6 months!! He is such a fun, happy, curious baby...and such a blessing in our lives. We prayed and prayed for another baby (just like we prayed for 2 1/2 years for Ashton!). I can't wait to see more of his personality develop, but if I could freeze time, I would keep him this age for a long time first.


Lindee said...

happy 6 months! i seriously don't remember you that prego! you always looked amazing.

Erica said...

I can't believe 6 months have flown by. Your boys are so darn cute.