Sunday, October 26, 2008

Past Halloweens

As we are looking forward to Halloween this next Friday, I can't help but look back on the past 3 Halloweens with Ashton. I've always loved Halloween...just dressing up when I was a kid and trick-or-treating ( a lot of times in the snow! ) in Wyoming, and even when I was in highschool I remember going to Salt Lake with friends to haunted houses and dressing up at school and just the fact that it's fall time- I just love the feel of this time of year. But it's even more fun now with kids especially this year with Ashton being so excited about it all!

We had so much fun his first Halloween when he was about 9 1/2 months old dressing him up as a monkey-he was so cute! We took him around to a few of our neighbors' houses, then came home and handed out candy.

Obviously that Halloween was more for us since he had no clue what was going on! Then when he was 2, he was soooo into the Backyardigans so I had to get him this Tyrone the Moose costume that year-he was kind of starting to understand a little bit and thought it was fun to carry his little pumpkin bucket around to the neighbors houses again-

I think he even ate a few pieces of candy that year.

Finally last year I figured it was my last year to choose for him, so I got this UPS Man costume and he was SO cute in it. People commented on it wherever we went. It was a big hit! He had fun in it too-for whatever reason he called it his P.U. Mess Man costume! This year Ashton chose what he wanted to be about a month and a half ago, but I waited to order his costume until it got a little closer figuring he would change his mind...but he has stuck with his first choice and is so excited to wear it! I haven't given it to him yet, because I know he would wear it every second till Halloween, then might be sick of it by the time he's really supposed to wear it.

Stay tuned to see what he chose!

Oh and of course to see how cute Gunnar looks in his :)

1 comment:

Jody said...

What a fun post!! Boy is Ashton so cute.. You are clever... Can't wait to see what they are going to be. I might just have to copy your post!! If I stop being a lazy blogger.. Have a great Monday!!