Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We had a fun day today...Ashton, Gunnar and I met my Mom, my Grandpa, my Uncle Charlie and his girlfriend Deborah in Morgan for lunch. If you're ever there and want some good fried chicken...you have to go check out Larry's Spring Chicken. It is so good and you all know how picky I am (especially about meat!) It worked out great because Ashton was out of school today for a teacher work day. And what a beautiful day! When we got there Ashton was getting out of the car and said in amazement
"Wow, they have zero snow here!"
We beat them there by about 10 minutes, so the boys had fun playing outside.
It felt so good to be warm!

Here's Gunnar making his new little scowly face...Of course I dressed the boys in green ...and I did have a green shirt on this morning, but the particular shirt I had on was bugging me, so I changed. So then when I was telling Ashton about how everyone is supposed to wear green today and if they don't then they get pinched...he says, but Mommy you're not wearing green. So I told him that yes I was...my underwear are green! Then he kind of thought about it for a minute and said..."well if anyone tries to pinch you, I'll punch them." Classic Ashton! I told him that he didn't need to do that, and that people just pinch nicely. I was so proud of him today...he was great in the car both ways and did great all through lunch as well. He was even patient and agreeable when we stopped off at Target, then Payless...then finally Walmart in Riverdale on our search for his new flip flops that he earned.

He was soooo excited to pick them out. He's been earning them for a few weeks with a sticker chart and actually had earned them last week, but was being a little stinker in Old Navy right when we were going to pick them out and bonked Gunnar in the head, so there went his chance that day to get them. You should have seen them both bawling their heads off in the middle of Old Navy! I guess some people let that stuff get to them, but I honestly don't care if people are staring at me...there was no way I was just going to give in and give him the flip flops...just to get him to be quiet!

He definitely earned them today though.

(why did he have to earn flip flops you ask???...I know it sounds silly and of course he would have probably gotten some new ones for this summer, but he came home one day begging for some because a friend had some and I don't want him to think that he just gets whatever he wants just because someone else has it...that's why.

Anyway even the snow in our yard is almost melted again after these past few warmer days! What a change again from last week.
Great to see you Mom, Charlie and Grandpa and nice to meet you Deborah!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Now the question is... was Grandpa wearing green? Let's hope so because there isn't much to pinch on him! I am glad you guys had fun and I am glad Ashton got his flip-flops!