Monday, May 25, 2009

Last weekend in Wyoming...

I've been meaning to post pictures from our trip to Evanston last weekend and am finally getting around to it tonight. Lars was supposed to go on a weekend fishing trip, so I had planned to take the boys to my Mom's for the weekend by myself, but then he changed his plans, so he just fished for the day on Friday, then drove up separate to Evanston on Saturday to stay with us. We had a fun weekend. There is always lots to do at Grandma and Grandpa Harry's house. Ashton brought his bike, tractor and scooter and practiced riding his bike around on the grass and dirt... ...and rode his tractor around the yard till the battery died. But what he spent most of his time doing outside up the horse poop with Grandma. He absolutely LOVES it! Funny kid! Honestly he helped her till every stall was completely clean! Such a good helper...way to see the job through to the end Ashton!
It was a whole new world for Gunnar too since it was our first trip there since he started walking. He is into everything now! And like most kids his age (besides Ashton at this age) he puts everything in his mouth. He loves rocks and dirt right now, everytime I turn around he's shoving them in his mouth!

He loved riding on Ashton's tractor with him... ...and getting pulled around by him in the little red wagon. (look at those smiles!) I love it!He even got in on mucking the stalls for a little bit until he started trying to pick up poop with his hands! Saying hello to some of Grandma's horses... Saturday we took the boys to this little carnival in town...there were a few rides Ashton was big enough to go on, so he thought it was pretty fun.

The giant slide...The carousel...This guy running the carousel kept trying to get one of us to take Gunnar on, but both Lars and I get motion sickness so bad, we decided not to ruin our day with a ride on the merry go round (sad I know), so he finally talked us into letting him take him for a ride on it. I think Gunnar kind of liked it for a few minutes, then he was ready to get off and get back to Mommy!On Sunday after church, we went back out to the house and let Ashton help Grandma again, then packed up our stuff to go home. It was such a nice day we stopped off at Bear Lake for about an hour on our way.Me and my boys... Ashton absolutely loves Bear Lake! He was sad when it was time to go home. It will be fun to go stay there for a whole weekend next month! It was another first for Gunnar since he started walking. It was just like a huge sandbox to him! So fun!

Here they are searching for "she-shells"...Looks like we'll be heading back to Wyoming this week for a few days while our wood floors get refinished (finally!)

Get ready for us Mom :)


Tallie Geddes said...

Grandma's house sounds like a ball - my kids would love it - how fun! My floors are under construction right now and lets just say your smart to get out of town while they are being done!!!

horsehug said...

I'm always ready!! :-)

Love, Mom

Angie said...

Isn't Grandma's house always the best!! And Ashton is learing some great lessons there... cleaning "stuff" up - hopefully it'll continue if you would ever have a pet! Ha. And the Bear Lake picutres are awesome, too! We never get up there enough in the summer. Maybe we should all take a trip some weekend (go to church on Saturday and enjoy the quiet of Bear Lake on Sunday.)

Ballard Family said...

Bear Lake looks so nice I can't wait to get there this year. Oh my gosh you had stitches too, holy cow what is it with these parks? It seems like were always up to the same things these days! how funny! (not the stitches just the parallels.) We need to get together soon before summer gets too crazy. Jett's preschool is also over. When is good days for you now? Maybe we can try to finally get the boys together, stitches and all :) Hope Ashton gets well soon, poor little guy :(