Friday, October 2, 2009

Hello 18 months...goodbye binkies!

Gunnar turned 18 months old 4 days ago on the 28th of September and as I got ready to put him to bed that night I decided to just do it...I cut the ends off of his binkies. I knew I just had to make myself do it and not turn back. When I first handed one to him and he put it in his mouth, he immediately took it out and looked at it funny, then looked at me funny. Then proceeded to put it back in his mouth and chew on it. So that night I let him take it to bed and as usual as of lately, he woke up a few times in the night, but that night I never went in his room. Each time he cried for a few minutes then put himself back to sleep. Then the next night he took his binky to bed again and actually slept through the night. Yesterday I cut more off of them and then it was like he completely lost interest in them! Really I did not think it would be this easy...he loved them so much! Last night he didn't even take one to bed and slept through again. Today I put them away for good and he's forgotten them already.
I'm so proud of him (and of me for doing it...I'm patting myself on the back :)

He's also down to one nap a day. He goes down around 1:30 and sleeps a couple hours.
My baby is growing up ...
But he sure is cute and fun!
(and he wants to be just like Ashton (or Aggie as he calls him).

He put the helmet on himself......then I fixed it for him.
He loves to ride Ashton's scooter :)
He is saying (or trying to say) everything now. Some of my recent favorites are "otay...he says this in reply to everything we ask him to do (assuming it's something he wants to do) Otherwise it's a firm NO (with kicking and screaming)!
Yesterday we were pulling into the Hobby Lobby parking lot and Ashton was asking me why they call it Hobby Lobby, so I was trying to come up with an answer when I hear a cute little voice repeating "hobby lobby" over and over.
All day he loves to ask me "where Daddy?" and he knows that I'm going to say "at work", so he just laughs when I answer him. Fun little game for him.

We got Halloween decorations out yesterday and he loves to pick up one of the fake pumpkins and carry it around. He calls it pumpy.

This is such a fun age! I love it!
Here's Ashton when he was about the same age...


horsehug said...

Wow I am also impressed with how quick he got over the binkies!! He just gets cuter and cuter!! I'm so glad you brought him and Ashton up last weekend :-)

Love, Mom

Jody said...

So cute!! Way to go on the binkies!! It is sometimes always harder on the mom.. To bad they have to grow up.. He is sure cute though... Time for another one.. Oh and I love Hobby Lobby greatest place ever.. We do need to get together soon.. We have had the H1N1 flu here though.. Still two more kids that haven't had it.. One more wedding to go and then hopefully we can get together!!

Cascio Photography said...

Good job Gunnar!! And MOMMY!! way to stick with it and I am so glad it payed off!! Now you can get some sleep :)

Melissa B. said...

That is so funny, Bowen calls Lagoon "magoon too"! And your better than I am, I tried to take Bea's baba away last night and she threw a big fit and I GAVE IN and she stilled cried all night. I should have never given it back, after the first time I took it away. Oh well. Good job you and Gunnar!

Angie said...

Ok - you're awesome... able to cut it out just like that! Way to go!

And I have to say I love your new header picture (that's from last year's Halloween, right?) and the background. So fun!

Tallie Geddes said...

Yeah - big step - now you need another baby to fill that hole - I'll do it with ya! Your header is one of my favorite pictures! TOO CUTE!