Thursday, September 16, 2010

Counting my blessings...

All throughout my days I find myself thanking God for little blessings all around me.
Being woken up at 5:45 by Gunnar screaming my name isn't one that I'm usually thankful for, but yesterday morning I decided to just be grateful. I picked him up out of his crib and rocked him in the rocking chair for a long time. He is always so happy to just be close to me...he always has been.
As I sat there rocking him, I was so tired but I held him tight as I started to think about all of the Moms or Dads out there who have lost a child and who would give anything for one more sweet moment like this.
Every day with these boys is a gift.
I knew I wouldn't be able to just put him back in his crib and get him to go back to sleep, so I asked him if he wanted to go sleep on the couch with I took him out with all of his blankies and we snuggled on the couch. He actually went back to sleep and slept till about 7:30 when Ashton woke up. I know that some day I will miss these moments so much...
for now I'm so thankful for them.


horsehug said...

Jessica, You are sooo right to cherish these moments. I am so glad you will always have this blog and your journals to look back on also.

Nora said...

Yes Jessica, you will cherish those moments.lately we have been talking allot about living in the present moment,because once that time frame is gone,it will never be the same. Thanks so much for sharing your blog so we can cherish those moments with each of you.

Angie said...

You are so right!! Thank you for the gentle reminder about making the most of EVERY moment, the good and the bad.

And it's funny that you posted this today because Trevor woke up at 5:45am telling us he was soaked (he had an accident in his bed). Rick got him changed and I left all the wet stuff on his bed and took him into ours and snuggled with him for another 1/2 hour or so. It was heaven... and the sheets (nor Ethan who was sleeping in the bed next to Trevor's) didn't mind one bit that I didn't clean everything up at that exact moment!

Meridith said...

So sweet!! And such a good reminder!