Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Well at least we got one camping trip in this summer before Lars' re-injury. And it was so much fun! We LOVE camping!
This year we went to a place close to where we went last year over by Bear Lake...on the Idaho side, actually in Paris, Idaho. It was at the Paris Springs campground.
After getting there and setting up in our assigned spot (which happened to be a spot with very little shade, and was right next to the trail up to the springs), we decided to move all of our stuff to a different spot about 15 feet away, that had a lot more shade and didn't have people walking by every half an hour.
Before we moved, we did the very short hike up to the was really pretty.
Anyway, our new spot turned out to be a great camp spot and after we settled in, we cooked our first ever tinfoil dinners. They turned out really good actually and Ashton and Gunnar thought it was a pretty cool way to cook our food.
Then of course we had to do our S'mores, and they were having so much fun roasting their marshmallows. Well mostly catching them on fire, then laughing and laughing.
I love these boys!
Then it was the best time of the day...bed time!
 After way too much goofing off in the tent, they both FINALLY fell asleep and slept really good all night. This year we got them their own mummy sleeping bags and I swear they didn't move or make a peep all night long.
And it didn't get very cold so I actually slept pretty good too. Poor Lars never sleeps good camping :(
Anyway our second day up there we got up and hung out around camp for a bit, then drove down the road a little ways and fished this little creek for an hour or so. Lars caught a couple of fish, so we kept them so that he could show the boys how to clean them, then cook them.
 It was Ashton's first time doing it (Lars let him cut the second one open.)
 This is what he thought about the whole process at first....hahaha!
But then when he got his turn, he thought it was pretty fun. I love this picture of them with the fish all ready to cook...
So we cooked them, then Lars took one bite, spit it out and that was the end of our fish. He said it tasted like ash from the fire.
Oh was more for the experience of it!
Later that day, we drove up to these ice caves a little further up the road.
 They were pretty cool actually.
 I was the only one that set foot in them, because Lars didn't dare with his leg and it was too scary to try to take the boys in, but maybe some day we'll go back.
Then we went back to camp and hung out and roasted hotdogs, then marshmallows again, then got ready for bed again.
The boys were FILTHY!
 So we took them over and washed them off good, then finally got them in jammies and to sleep again. Another good night of sleep.
Unfortunately right when we got up, I had a text saying that my Mom had been taken to the emergency room the night before and had broken her collar bone and had to get staples in her head where she'd cut it open. I had no idea what happened till my step-dad texted me that she'd had an accident with one of her horses while she was being pulled in her little cart by it.
So we packed up and were going to head up there to see her, but decided it would be better to wait and go later in the week when she had her surgery.
So we just headed home. It was such a fun trip!

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