Sunday, August 14, 2011

4th of July weekend...

Okay so maybe if I try to do one post a day I can finish all of my July posts that I am behind's worth a try!
The 4th of July seems like so long ago now...I guess when I last left off, we had gone to Price to pick up the boys after they'd stayed almost a week there while  Ashton did his soccer camp and we came home and got projects done. If you remember Gunnar was sick most of the time they were there, Ashton was just one day...anyway he seemed okay when we got there that Thursday, but then started acting sick again Friday morning when it was time for us to head back home. It was not a fun ride home...we had to keep stopping because he thought he was going to throw up. Finally we emptied out our little cooler and he threw up in there. Poor guy. Anyway that night was the Logan Fireworks up at the stadium and this year we actually got tickets to go inside because Diamond Rio was we debated on what to do with Gunnar being so sick. Then Aunt Kelli offered to stay home with him and Lars and I just took Ashton. We sold our extra tickets to someone standing in line. I think we got up there about 6:30 and they didn't shoot off the first firework till close to 10:00. Poor Ashton...thinking we were just headed up there to see the fireworks, then he had to sit there for hours through all of the rest of the stuff (which by the way was pretty boring until Diamond Rio finally came out about 8:30!) They were awesome as always...but Ashton didn't really think so. All he kept saying was "Oh man! Not one more song...when are they ever going to quit singing, so we can see the fireworks!" I think our days of going in the stadium for the fireworks are over again for a few years! Here he is putting some money in the fireman's bucket :)

I love this picture of him with his hand on his heart getting ready for the National Anthem :)
And here he is when that first firework finally hit the sky...I love the look on his face!
The next day we drove up to Evanston to spend the rest of the weekend with my family...which would have been fun, but Sunday I got that nasty stomach flu and was sick in bed all day while Lars took the boys to my family barbecue and got a bunch of good fireworks and let them off. Here's another favorite picture of mine :)
Here was the finale that of the only ones I came out of the house to see...
Then it was back home on Monday...and of course more fireworks that night. Besides the sickness (Lars kind of got it that day...oh and Kelli got it while we were gone) it was a fun weekend. One of the highlights of the year for Ashton and Gunnar :)
Dancing to the beat of the Roman candles going off...

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